Hearing Aid Fitting

Many people may feel anxious about the results of hearing tests and the prospect of using new hearing aids. A common concern is whether or not hearing aids are needed. While the answer may be unsettling, it can also lead to a significant improvement in hearing ability. Choosing the right hearing aid is a process that involves several steps. The first step is selecting the style, size and power of the hearing aid. However, the process does not end there. The hearing aid must also be properly fitted and adjusted to the individual's ear, which requires testing and fine-tuning in different environments. The goal is to achieve the best possible sound quality, particularly for speech, in crowded and loud areas. The trial and error process allows audiologists to fine-tune the hearing aids to the individual's needs.

What to Expect At a Hearing Aid Fitting

A hearing aid fitting is a comprehensive process that goes beyond the physical placement of the device in the ear. It involves a series of diagnostic tests to ensure that the hearing aids are functioning at optimal level. Before the fitting session, your audiologist will have a thorough conversation with you to understand your specific needs and preferences. This includes discussing the different environments in which you will be using the hearing aid, the type of hearing aids you are interested in, and any other relevant information. During the fitting, your audiologist will:

A comprehensive hearing test will be performed. This test will establish the baseline settings for your hearing aid.
If necessary, impressions of your ears will be taken. This is typically done a couple of weeks before the fitting session to ensure a comfortable fit for your hearing aid.
Improve ability to perform daily activities.

During a typical hearing aid fitting:

A Real Ear Measurement will be conducted to confirm that the hearing aid is delivering the proper level of amplification for your needs.
Final adjustments will be made to guarantee that the hearing aid is functioning at its best.
Instructions on routine maintenance and care, such as how to change or charge the batteries, or connect to your phone, will be provided.

What Is Real Ear Measurement?

A Real Ear test, also known as Real Ear measurement, is a diagnostic tool used to accurately measure the volume produced by a hearing aid. The process includes the following steps:

our mission is to provide affordable, high-quality hearing solutions to individuals in Michigan who are suffering from hearing loss.

A thin tube with a tiny microphone is inserted into the ear canal.

The hearing aid is placed in position.

Diagnostic sounds are played, and the volume output from the hearing aid is measured. These sounds range from very quiet to very loud.

The output from the hearing aid is then calibrated to ensure proper function.

Do you have difficulty hearing?​

Take our online hearing screener to help determine if you have hearing difficulty.​

Prescription Hearing Aid Guide​

In this guide, You will find information on the different types of hearing aids available

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Don't let hearing loss hold you back any longer. Find out what our hearing professionals can do